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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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xx   RADIO

A broadband signal sniffer. This low-level broadband preamp is useful to help view the waveform or measure the frequency of a signal whose amplitude is only a millivolt or two. Est. cost: $16.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 46

An inexpensive and simple RF current detector combines a split toroid with a #47 light bulb.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Aug 1997 (v.53#8) pg. 85

RF (radio frequency) probe or sniffer. A simple RF demodulator or diode detector is used in conjunction with a VOM, VTVM, or DVM.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1998 (v.54#3) pg. 60

Circuit for a simple field-strength meter/receiver that acts as a very low power consumption detector for an RF ID tag.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Sep 1998 (v.54#9) pg. 38

Tracking down bugs (RF eavesdropping devices) using a spectrum analyzer.

Countersurveillance monitor. Simple-to-build circuit helps locate electronic eavesdropping devices. Capable of detecting almost any RF (radio frequency) source ranging from 1 to 2000 MHz. Increasing pitch of an audio output indicates that the bug is getting closer. Est. cost: $36 (kit).

Measuring RF (radio frequency) power. An introduction to the circuits, instruments, and techniques for measuring a transmitter's RF power output.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1999 (v.70#3) pg. 51

Build a step attenuator to increase the accuracy of RF (radio frequency) measurements.
ELECTRONICS NOW Apr 1999 (v.70#4) pg. 34
Correction ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1999 (v.70#6) pg. 7

RF Informant. Build a pocket-sized RF strength meter, a wideband receiver that will show the relative strength of the received signal on a series of LEDs. Est. cost: $70 (kit).
ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1999 (v.70#7) pg. 45

Simple radio frequency (RF) sniffer locates RF in a tank circuit. Useful when repairing low power ham transmitters.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1973 (v.13#5) pg. 48

Build the electronic "bug" swatter. RF sniffer can locate minuscule RF signals from just about any source, including eavesdropping devices, leaky microwave ovens, RF interference, etc.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.5#8) pg. 75
Correction HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jan 1989 (v.6#1) pg. 4

A cable and conduit finder is a low-power, tone-modulated radio-frequency transmitter and companion receiver that will help you trace concealed electric wires.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #535 Dec 1972 (v.68) pg. 86

RF (radio frequency) sniffer will detect the modulation of any radio-control transmitter (AM, FM, PCM and PPM) that is turned on. Est. cost: $27 (kit).
MODEL AVIATION Oct 1997 (v.23#10) pg. 62

Schematic for a sensitive RF meter.
POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jan 1992 (v.10#5) pg. 35

Bug Tracer circuit can be used to ferret out eavesdropping devices and trace the connecting wires back to the source, by detecting RF emissions.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 82

Closed-loop tracer is designed to follow a closed-loop wire or cable system. Can also be used to trace the path of a copper or metal pipe.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 82

Useful RF (radio frequency) circuits. (1) RF-Sniffer can be used to hunt for RF-noise or indicate that a transmitter is operating. (2) RF-detector probe allows a DC voltmeter to indicate the presence of powerful radio waves. (3) Sensitive RF-detector probe allows a meter to detect small RF signals. (4) Wideband RF instrument amplifier. (5) Tuned or untuned RF wavemeter will provide an indication of the output level of a transmitter signal as radiated from an antenna or dummy load. (6) 100 kHz crystal calibrator RF source to calibrate receivers, sweep generators, signal generators, or other RF sources.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 55

Sensitive wide-range RF detector that's capable of uncovering RF signals in the milliwatt region.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1991 (v.8#9) pg. 75

Countersurveillance monitor. This simple-to-build circuit can help search out electronic eavesdropping devices (RF transmitters). Est. cost: $21 (kit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1991 (v.8#11) pg. 27

Unijunction transistor (UJT) circuits. (1) Relaxation oscillators. (2) Constant-current relaxation oscillator. (3) Improved-linearity relaxation oscillator. (4) 1- to 30-second time-delay. (5) RF snooper.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 70

A hands-on approach to op-amp basics. How they work and three projects to further your understanding of this extremely adaptable device. (1) RIAA phono preamp. (2) RF sniffer. (3) Electronic thermometer.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1998 (v.15#2) pg. 31
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 6
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1998 (v.15#6) pg. 6

RF detector circuit can locate radio transmitters (bugs) with power as low as 1mW from 20-ft. away.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1998 (v.15#6) pg. 18
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1998 (v.15#8) pg. 52

Tracking down RF bugging devices using a spectrum analyzer.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1989 (v.60#6) pg. 33

Build a "bug detector", a radio-frequency detector that can locate low-power (1-mW) transmitters at a distance up to 20 feet. Est. cost: $60.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1989 (v.60#6) pg. 42